Ahmadinejad congratulates Karzai on "successful" election
Karzai returns "blessings" and "wishes for prosperity" to scorned Iranian leader
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A press release was published Thursday by the Office of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, thanking Iranian President Mamoud Ahmadinejad for sending his congratulations on Karzai’s "successful" re-election.
This is sadly ironic, since the U.S. paints Ahmadinejad and his mullah handlers as staunch enemies of freedom, justice and democracy. Most of the world agrees that Ahmadinejad is a dishonest, opportunistic, brutal, ignorant, and deluded leader who has isolated his country. His citizens suffer from severe hunger, illness, unemployment, lack of opportunity, and a crushing autocratic government of out-of-touch, hypocritical religious zealots.
Hundreds of thousands of Iranian citizens have been demonstrating in the streets against their president and his government for months in response to a highly suspect presidential election. Ahmadinejad’s response has been a psychotic denial and beating, torture, and murder of the mostly young and educated demonstrators. His denial of the Jewish Holocaust and the existence of homosexuality (including the execution of homosexuals) in Iran leave most world leaders astonished at his tragi-comic, probably drug-addled rants and ravings (see KabulPress articlehttp://kabulpress.org/my/spip.php?article3733 . )
The U.S. spends tens of billions of $$$ a year supporting the Karzai government, yet Karzai’s office trumpets praise from Ahmadinejad. American and other coalition forces plus Afghan citizens, including children are being killed in Afghanistan every day by arms and bombs imported from Iran. Yet Karzai wishes the Iranian leader prosperity and blessings in return, as if receiving Iranian praise were some great accomplishment; as if it were from Nobel Prize winners, or the Secretary General of the United Nations.
How sad, as Afghans and Americans bury their loved ones, and Westerners give their hard-earned tax dollars to support Karzai’s government, despite raging unemployment in their own countries, that Karzai wishes Ahmadinejad and his religious mafia "prosperity." Does Mr. Karzai not know or care that the Iranian government is spending billions of its citizen’s money to build a needless nuclear arsenal and funding Hezbollah’s violent de-stabilization efforts in Gaza and Lebanon?
Text of press release:
"Mamoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran called President Karzai on Thursday evening to congratulate him on his re-election in Afghanistan Presidential elections.
Iran’s President congratulated the people of Afghanistan for holding a successful election and hoped the recent elections would lead to further prosperity and progress in their country.
President Karzai thanked Dr. Ahmadinejad and wished his nation prosperity and blessing."
Forum posts
4 October 2009, 05:53, by hazarbuz
as same one say :
hair dresser when free , means have noting to do , then they shave head of each other .