Kabul Press English Pages Editor’s Book About Struggling Artists Is Published
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Kabul Press?’ English pages editor, Robert Maier’s memoir of working in the low-budget movie industry in New York City was recently published and is available world-wide. Titled “Low Budget Hell: Making Underground Movies with John Waters,” the book describes a period from 1975-1985 when Mr. Maier worked on a dozen movies that helped shape America’s low budget independent film industry.
Working with celebrities like Andy Warhol, Tab Hunter, Deborah Harry and Bill Murray, in the rough and tumble punk rock art scene of New York’s Lower East Side and SoHo, Maier tells a revealing and often humorous story of struggling artists and rebels working against great odds and multiple constraints and barriers to creativity.
Reviewers have called “Low Budget Hell” not just a fascinating movie memoir, but also a timeless lesson for everyone who has chosen risky and unique paths in life, and "about all the invisible work everywhere that holds up the visible."
Offered by Full Page Publishing, it is available from Amazon.com, on-line booksellers, and bookshops around the world. Visit Mr. Maier’s blog at www.robertmaier.us for more information.